Baker Tilly Malta is a medium-sized accounting, audit and business advisory practice in Malta. The practice was set-up in 1994 developing through the continuance of a sole practitioner business which had its roots since the 1960’s. Mr. Donald Sant, who is the founder and managing partner of the firm, has been instrumental in growing the business and giving it the international dimension expected out of our independent membership of Baker Tilly International. The business has grown over the years and today offers a full range of services expected from a multi-disciplinary practice.
Founder: Mr. D. Sant
March 31, 1994
After working with Joseph Tabone & Co. (KPMG) for a number of years, Mr. D. Sant left the firm to pursue a new business venture.
Vella, Sant & Co.
May 1, 1994
Mr. D. Sant collaborated with Mr. A. Vella to establish the partnership Vella, Sant & Co. through the continuance of a sole practitioner business which had its roots since the 1960’s.
Summit International Associates, Inc.
October 1, 1996
The firm joined the professional services network Summit International Associates, Inc.
D. Sant & Co.
January 1, 1997
Mr. A. Vella retired from the partnership, and it continued under the name of D. Sant & Co.
Baker Tilly International
January 1, 2002
Summit International Associates, Inc. changed its name to Baker Tilly International.
Baker Tilly Sant
January 1, 2003
Following the change in name of the international network, the partnership changed its name to Baker Tilly Sant.
New Offices
January 1, 2009
The firm opens its new offices located in Pieta’
Baker Tilly Malta
December 7, 2018
In 2018, the partnership changed its name to Baker Tilly Malta trading as Baker Tilly. Aimed at strengthening and modernising how we represent our network to clients, our people, our profession and the communities in which we operate.
Celebrating 25 Years!
May 1, 2019
Commemorating our 25th year in business and looking forward to many more years to come.